How to find investors
We coach you
how to sell yourself as a vision master
This answers your question "How to find investors ... and then get them to respond."
You’re looking forward to making a difference for the world, your family and your legacy.
Raising capital is a barrier to success. It’s an uncharted ocean where you're not in control.
Finding investors is a Journey

The Journey Begins
You suddenly realize you've GOT to start finding investors.
How do I connect to investors so they hear my message?
It’s a skillful balancing act.
And if you fail, no funding.
Finding and closing investors isn't easy. Investors give you the run-around. They keep you off balance. What do they really want?
Why does the money go to long-shots
rather than folks like me?
It shouldn’t be so hard.

Time is Your Enemy
The problem is, you don't have enough time to do it all.
You've got to catch the wave when the timing is right, not too early and not too late.
So you've got to get the funding done, while the time is right.
You Find a Guide
This guide cares and has a plan.
He or she is an investor and knows the investor mind.
He or she knows how to find investors and get access.
He knows how to beat their demon fears.
And he knows how to make sure they trust you.

We Ride With You
We bear the weight with you; we stay by your side until you're ready. It might even be fun.
You learn exactly what investors think, how to anticipate and control their thoughts.
And having walked with you, our recommendation to them is trusted.
You succeed at finding investors AND gaining TRUE investor access.
You Are the Hero Again
You have new levels of confidence. No "wave" is too big.
You know how to access the minds of investors.
You understand what’s in their heads and hearts.
You know how to make them listen and trust you.
You’re in command.

Timing is Now Your Friend
You have the prime mover advantage.
You have the capital you need
While there's still time to use it.
Here are your next steps to finding investors:
This brief video takes you through the formula for being an entrepreneur that investors trust and invest in.
Tell Rob your story! You will receive valuable insight from an investor and someone who has heard hundreds of pitches.
You have options. Pick the best choice for you.
You are recognized by investors as a trusted leader who can make them money.
Congratulations, you have investor access! Fuel your dreams. Realize the benefits your vision produces.

Partner Companies

If this sounds exciting to you

Our Promise
- You will know how investors think even if they don't tell you.
- You'll anticipate their thoughts and channel them.
- You will have a plan to launch or scale that investors respect.
- You will know exactly how to find investors and get access to them.
- You will feel confident pitching investors.
- Investors will trust you.
- Investors will talk about you positively behind your back.
- Investors recognize you as the leader who always makes them money.
- You will know how to avoid losing control of investors.
- You gain true investor access.
A personal message from Mr. Kramarz, Executive Director: Since Intelliversity was founded by investors and I've been an active angel investor, I'm frequently asked if I'm a candidate to invest in the companies we meet, train and coach. I can't answer this question for our service partners (who provide services of various kinds by referral) but I can answer for myself: I've reached the point in life where my primary concern is the preservation of capital and legacy. For this reason, I'm not investing my own or family capital in any early-stage ventures at this time (except for my own professional practice.) Instead, I'm investing my time, experience, insight and reputation so that other early-stage ventures have a much better chance of gaining the funding sought without sacrificing valuation and while their window of opportunity is still open, and have a much better chance of successfully employing that funding. If this is clear and acceptable to you, please connect with me or use our other resources.